Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The House of Prayer

In Mark 11:15-17, we read of the time when Jesus cleared the Temple. He was enraged by all the buying and selling going on - and especially the merchants who were abusing the system that God had set up in Deuteronomy 12 - where those who traveled to Jerusalem from afar could purchase their sacrifices at the Temple - instead of bringing them all the way from home.

But it seems the part that really got to Jesus - was that the business of buying and selling - had gotten in the way of the true purpose of the Temple - to be a "House of Prayer for all nations" - as he put it.

Right now, our church is in the midst of the annual stewardship campaign. And while I thoroughly believe in stewardship - and do not mind preaching on it - there's also a part of me that wishes I never had to - that people simply understood the concepts - and didn't need any cajoling or encouragement to give more... Sometimes I get the feeling that our emphasis on money - or the time spent on the administration of the church - gets in the way of the true business of the church: to be a House of Prayer - to be a Sanctuary of Worship - to be a Community of Fellowship and Learning.

But don't get me wrong - because I know the finances and administration are important. They just aren't the most important thing a church does. They are supporting players - things that must be in place - and running smoothly - for ministry to be effective.

I pray that we never get to the point where such drastic action is needed - like what Jesus did at the Temple. I pray that any church I am a part of - will take great strides to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. I pray that God will honor our attempts to manage a ministry - and that he will look past our tendency to let the things of this world - get in the way of our true purpose as a church: To Love and Serve our Lord and Savior.

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